In a.m./p.m there are no humans beings at sight. Photos of cosmopolitan city landscapes are systematically scanned and display views of office locks, flats, dark corners, illuminated windows and skyscrapers. On the soundtrack you hear a woman’s voice. She speaks about herself and the world, about images of today, about a journey. Her monologue is a fictionalised rendering of Asselberghs’s impressions during a stay in Palestine. He consciously chose for the film to show the explosive and mediatized situation in the region by taking an absolutely minimalist audivisual approach. The distance which Asselberghs creates by using a detached female voice instead of his own, coupled with deviating from a run-of-the-mill documentary style, produces a complex approach to his feelings and ideas surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A longer version of the voice-over text is available on the book Time Suspended by Herman Asselberghs, Els Opsomer and Pieter van Bogaert (published by Square vzw, 2004).
a.m./p.m. won the 1st Prize / Canvas Award at Courtisane festival (BE) 2005.
Image Els Opsomer
Graphic Motion Design Nicolas Karaktzanis
Soundtrack David Shea
Voice Claude Wampler
Sound engineer Boris Debackere
Produced by SQUARE vzw
Supported by the Flanders Audiovisual Fund