Lambert Crickxstraat 30
1070 Brussels, Belgium

en nl

Robert, June 1996 - Robert, September 2007

Manon de Boer

Super-8 film transferred to 16mm, b/w, 4:3, no sound, BE, 1996 – 2007, 5’

This is the first of De Boer’s filmic portraits of friends, realised in two sessions, eleven years apart. Each time, Robert is asked to play his guitar, which is outside of the frame, and filmed on b&w film for the duration of one Super-8 reel film or 2’30”.

Concept & camera Manon de Boer

Robert, June 1996 - Robert, September 2007 has been on display at:

National Gallery Prague, (CZ) Sep 20 2019–Jan 5 2020 Jan Mot Brussel, (BE) Nov 3–Dec 17 2016 Argos Brussel, (BE) Feb 8–Apr 5 2015 Jan Mot Brussel, (BE) May 21–Jul 9 2011 Watou 2010 Watou, (BE) Jul 3–Sep 5 2010 Mudam Luxembourg, (LU) Feb 19–May 25 2009 Frankfurter Kunstverein Frankfurt, (DE) Feb 7–Apr 27 2008