From the private to the public space (and back again) in a continuous movement. How many memories, storylines and sounds can coexist? ‘Cultuur’ is a walk from one to another and everything in between.
Additional camera Maaike Beuten
Additional audio recoring Rob Lauwers
Audio edit & mix Esteban Lloret Linares
Supported by Night Shift Oostende, set up by Gouvernement, Decoratelier, VIERNULVIER, De Studio, CAMPO, Toneelhuis, De Singel, OHK, KAAP, Theaterfestival, Theater Aan Zee & Perpodium
Thank you Ann Clicteur, An Coenen, Auguste Orts, Cédric Jadin, Chloé Malcotti, Collectif Faire-Part, Deborah Van Haute, El Moïz Ghammam, Emma van der Put, Hendrik Leper, John Zwaenepoel, Katja Mater, Marie Logie, Marie Umuhoza, Mourad Ben Amor, Nele Keukelier, Nero Nolson, Peter Baeckelandt – KASK School of Arts, Pieter Van Bogaert, Sigried Kellens, Stijn Schiffeleers, Vincent Focquet & Zohra Benhammou