Notes for a Letter to Angelina Jolie
Commissioned by HAU Hebbel am Ufer as part of the live program Image of Rescue / Rescuing the Image” this short, stark work offers a quiet, preliminary meditation on the imagery of celebrity advocacy. Originally intended as a video letter to Angelina Jolie (Special Envoy to UNHCR) but addressing the spectator instead, Herman Asselberghs presents a sort of notebook, an associative series of silent images and still thoughts, as he moves up close to the image, the screen and the viewer.
Images & editing Fairuz Ghammam
Voice recording Boris Debackere
Color Grading Florian Keirse
Commissioned by Dieter Lesage & Christian von Borries as part of Image of Rescue / Rescuing the Image
Produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, supported by the Capital Culture Fund
Co-produced by Auguste Orts
Support LUCA School of Arts