On & For
Screening & Talk
Labour Power Plant (FR, DE, 2019, 85 min) by Robert Schlicht and Romana Schmalisch
A new production centre, set in an undetermined future. What is being produced here? People with their own wills, interests and desires are being equipped with the different physiological, cognitive, psychological and social core competencies to transform them into human resources. Welcome to Labour Power Plant.
I Hope I am Loud When I’m Dead (UK, 2018, 20 min) by Beatrice Gibson
Reframing our current political moment in intimate terms, Gibson’s urgent snapshot of social calamities doubles as a document of practical resistance. Pauline Oliveros’ music and the words of poets CAConrad and Eileen Myles imbue images of street riots and refugee migration with graceful complexity.
Two Sisters Who Are Not Sisters (UK, 2019, 23 min) by Beatrice Gibson
Two sisters (who are not sisters), two pregnancies, a two-seater car, a beauty queen, a poodle. The election of a second fascist – this time in Brazil. A crime thriller without a crime, Two sisters unfolds like a dream.