Lambert Crickxstraat 30
1070 Brussels, Belgium

en nl


A series of films inviting viewers to experience transformation not just as a theme, but as an immersive experience. Here, a colourful blob transforms into a humming house, an animated canvas becomes a painter’s emotional journey, a woman becomes a movie star, a man becomes a boyband, a film becomes a song. This is a playful exploration of identity, reminding us that humans are capable of fluidity and that change can be messy, hilarious, and utterly imaginative.

On Dec 14 2024 a first short film program is shown during Age d’Or festival, Brussels which returns to KASKCinema, Ghent on March 27 2025. With work by Manon de Boer, Maria Lassnig, Cindy Sherman, Benny Nemer, Sebastian Buerkner, Robert Seidel, Floor Toppets …

In April 2025, this series continues at Cinematek, Brussels with more films that celebrate the beauty of transformation and the boundless ways we can reinvent ourselves.

Curated by Anouk De Clercq
Supported by Cinematek, Courtisane & Auguste Orts