PAM p.m.7
PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) has grown out of a diverse assembly of organizations and practitioners working with moving image, sound art, or media art. PAM invites anyone who works in media arts to meet, to discuss common issues and to share knowledge and tools about the development, production, distribution, presentation, and reflection of audiovisual and media arts. This PAM is organized in the context of Misoogst, an interactive meeting in Cas-co in Leuven of initiatives and artists who work on green structures, ecology and (urban) agriculture. At the crossroads of art and agriculture, they present their practices and provide insight into their relationship with all non-human entities that surround us. Werktank invited Katinka de Jonge, Julia Eckhardt, Christophe De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs and Cirkel Mediakunst Leuven. You can join them in a round table about a specific theme.
More info on the 4 ronde tafels here.
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