Lambert Crickxstraat 30
1070 Brussels, Belgium

en nl

PAM p.m.7

Werktank & Cas-co

PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) has grown out of a diver­se assem­bly of orga­ni­za­ti­ons and prac­ti­ti­o­ners wor­king with moving ima­ge, sound art, or media art. PAM invi­tes any­o­ne who works in media arts to meet, to dis­cuss com­mon issues and to sha­re know­led­ge and tools about the devel­op­ment, pro­duc­ti­on, dis­tri­bu­ti­on, pre­sen­ta­ti­on, and reflec­ti­on of audio­vi­su­al and media arts. This PAM is orga­ni­zed in the con­text of Misoogst, an inter­ac­ti­ve mee­ting in Cas-co in Leuven of ini­ti­a­ti­ves and artists who work on green struc­tu­res, eco­lo­gy and (urban) agri­cul­tu­re. At the cross­roads of art and agri­cul­tu­re, they pre­sent their prac­ti­ces and pro­vi­de insight into their rela­ti­ons­hip with all non-human enti­ties that sur­round us. Werktank invi­ted Katinka de Jonge, Julia Eckhardt, Christophe De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs and Cirkel Mediakunst Leuven. You can join them in a round table about a spe­ci­fic theme.

More info on the 4 ronde tafels here.

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