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Lambert Crickxstraat 30
1070 Brussels, Belgium

Reading Time

Herman Asselberghs

video, color, silent, BE, 2024, 8’17”

In Reading Time, Asselberghs creates a portrait of the attentive viewer on site, so to speak. ‘Without’ images and entirely text-based, the projection initiates a silent dialogue with the viewer. The film and you. Is it a manifesto, a manual or a mantra? Your portrait, your decision.

Image Maaike Beuten
Edit Rik Chaubet
Words Herman Asselberghs
Produced by Auguste Orts
Co-produced by argos centre for audiovisual arts
With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Friends of Auguste Orts Fund, On & For Production and Distribution, Intermedia Research Unit, LUCA School of Arts, Lieven Gevaert Centre, KU Leuven – UCLouvain
As if in a dream is part of the doctoral research project Film School Time, Intermedia Research Unit, LUCA School of Arts & Lieven Gevaert Centre, KU Leuven – UCLouvain

Reading Time has been on display at the following locations:

argos Brussels, (BE) Mar 2–Jun 30 2024